- Sophie Carmo
- Madrid, Madrid, Spain
- Periodista y community manager por accidente. Bloguera de tendencias. Esa soy yo. ¡Gracias por seguirme!
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-Lost in a dangerussupermarket.
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Her name is Mª Francisca. She is from Extremadura (Spain) and, of course, she is a big friend. We met in our village, Higuera de la Serena, and we have share good moments.
Thanks you Tuenti, again, I find these photos in her profile in Tuenti. She made the photos in a weeding in Valencia de Álcantara (Cáceres- Extremadura- Spain) in a country house. I love her outfit. Her dressed is perfect. And she have coordinate the complement very good. I love her look, it is perfect! What do you say? Do you like?
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