sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Estilismos con nombre propio: Maria Klem

En una de mis continuas búsquedas por la red, di con un blog, Maria Klem, del que me enamoré rápidamente gracias a unos estilismos sencillos, cómodos, frescos pero, ante todo, muy chics. Tanto me ha cautivado que no hay día que no lo visite y disfrute con sus divertidas fotos y sus atractivos outfits. Me fascinan.
La autora del blog se llama Maria y vive en Oslo, lugar en el que nació hace unos cuantos añitos. Pese a su aspecto nórdico, su padre es griego. Y es allí donde trabaja… en una guardería… lo cual nos confirma que el estilo como la elegancia son aspectos inherentes a las personas. Si quieres conocerla un poco más no dejes de leer la entrevista que le hecho, seguro que, de ahora en adelante, no podrás vivir sin leer sus posts.

One day, I was surfing on the Internet and I found a blog, Maria Klem, and I have been in love with it since then. I like her fresh, simple, comfortable and, of course, very cool look. I visit her blog every day and I always enjoy her funny photos and her cute outfit. I find her blog fascinating.
The author’s blog is Maria and she lives in Oslo. She was born in Oslo twenty-four years ago. She works in Oslo in a kindergarden. It confirms that the style and elegance are related to the person itself. If you want to know her better, you have to read the questions that she answered to me. You will love her.

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· When did you open your blog? Why?
· I started to blog in april 2009. So I'm kinda new in this. My boyfriend and I ended our relationship, so when I was sad and bored I started to read some fashionblogs. And then I thought it might be a good idea to have my own blog, cause then I had something else that occupied my mind beside of the heartbreak. Well, we got back together again, and then broke up again. But I really like to blog, to show my style in fashion and tell people about my everyday life and stuff that it's on my mind, and stuff that I like. So far I have only been blogging in norwegian, but if I get many readers outside Norway I will consider to write in english as well :)
· When did start your obsession for fashion’s world?
· I don't know when I started my obsession for fashion. I have always been having fun with shopping, and to have new clothes. But after I began to read blogs, and to blog myself I started to admire the streetfashion. I really love the possibility to mix different kind of styles together. I like that an outfit looks a bit random and casual, but still look great and different... I think it's important to hold on to your own style. Don't copy everyone else on the streets, but it's ok to get inspired.
· What is your star’s look?
· I have heard a few times that I look like Nicole Richie, and a norwegian glamourgirl named Linni Meister.
· You never would wear a…
· I would never wear a maxidress (a footlong dress). I really don't look great in that because I'm so short. And to be honest, I don't like maxidresses at all.
3 advised about fashion.
· That was a hard one. I don't know if I'm qualified to answer this. Don't wear high heels if you can't make the fab walk, it looks stupid. If you want to use "party"-clothes in a weekday to school or job, you can casual it down with converse or similar shoes. It really looks great. Or the opposite. If you would like to fancy up a "boring" outfit you can put on some great heels, and some great acceso's :) Smokey-eyes is the most sexy make-up, and it works to everything. In daytime you could use grey, purple, blue or brown to do your smokey-eyes. And I have one more actually. Fix up a simple t-shirt, jumper or jacket with broshes/pins to make cool axelshoulders that is so hot this season ;)
· Could you define your style?
· I don't know how I can define my style. I would say it's my own. But as said, streetfashion really inspires me.
· Where usually do you buy your clothes?
· I usually buy my clothes in Zara, H&M, Vero Moda, BikBok, Gina Tricot. But I really want to buy more vintage-clothes. I love to find cheap treasures that makes an outfit special.
· Do you have a fashion-idol?
·I think my fashion-idol have to be the Olson-twins, they always look great.
· What is your favourite colours?
· Right now black and grey is all that matters. But I like pastels. I don't like red or dark purple.
¡Gracias por los comentarios!/ Thanks you for you comments!

21 comentarios:

  1. i love your style and i reallt enjoy what you bring to fashion blogging..


  2. A partir del lunes retomo el blog de forma constante como antes. En él estoy contando la experiencia que viví en Madrid y en Cibeles. Espero que te guste la historia.






  3. Thanks you girls!A mi también me encanta su estilo, es perfecto!Podéis visitarla más a menudo en su blog, http://mariaklem.blogspot.com/ XoXo

  4. Me ha gustado mucho la entrevista y el estilo que tiene. La seguire.

  5. Pues la verdad que la chica tiene estilo sí!!. Debes de hablar muy bien inglés!! yo voy tipo tarzán...
    Yo es que no suelo comprar gafas fuera de las ópticas, me suelo marear con ellas, no suelen ser de calidad, así que en las tiendas tipo ZARA,... cualquiera no compro gafas de sol, sólo en ópticas, son más caras, pero sabes que te protegen de verdad.

    Un abrazo!!!

  6. Gracias a Princesa y Amanda por sus comments, seguro que a María le hace mucha ilu que os guste su estilo. En cuanto a lo de las gafas, AMANDA, yo nunca las compro en opticas, sé que está mal pero es que sé que a los días me canso de ellas pero vamos que tienes toda la razón!JEJE!Muaksss

  7. Me gusta mucho tu blog y tu estilo!
    te sigo!unbesito

  8. Es verdad que tiene un estilazo digno de admirar! Muy casual pero muy chic y totalmente inspirador!!
    Gracias por descubrirnos estas pequeñas joyas del ciberespacio!

  9. es genial esta chica eh! gracias por "descubrimela"!

    y gracias por nombrarme en tus premios!!!! y por lo que has dicho ;) eres un cielo!

    besitos guapa!!

  10. pues no al conocia, pero si que es genial
    1 beso

  11. ooooo yes! she is very cool! I saw your blog and I was like... whoa.. foreign language, can't read that! but yay! you have english. Love looking at your photos anyways! keep up the good work! I follow you too!

    xx from hong kong

  12. Me encantaron sus estilismos! Ya estoy entrando al blog. Gracias por el dato!

  13. Hola guapa!!

    Pues no conocia a esta chica,tiene un look muy casual,pero super chic!Me la apunto!!!

    Un besitoooo

    pd:Todavia no me atrevo a decirle a alguien por la calle que me saque las fotos ;)

  14. Hiiii darling...gracias por tu visita...disculpa no haber contestado antes pero llegué anoche de mis vacaciones tardísimo y no he tenido acceso a internet...

    Me encanta el descubrimiento d esta chica...


  15. Gracias por el comment!! Que looks más guays, me gusta!

  16. aww i love this.

    ps. thanks for the challenge. i'll get to it asap.

  17. I love her Matthew Williamson for H&M dress! The pattern's so pretty.

    Florrie x

  18. No la conocia y la verdad esque me encanta!! que estilazo!!:D un beso!

